Moving Backward to Get Ahead – Performance-based contracting gets results in reverse

To read the full article, click on the link below.

New Contracting Takes Talent and Skill

Performance standards will be rising as government contracting rules and regulations tighten. To read the full article, click on the link below.

An Interview with Kevin Ball

Every now and again, we feature an interview with one of your clients—people who read and evaluate your proposals—to get their perspective on the proposal process. This time around we interviewed Kevin Ball, P.E., Environmental Services Manager for the Naval Engineering Field Activity, Northwest. Mr. Ball has chaired many qualifications-based selection boards, including A/E, Design/Build

An Interview With Ome Almeda

For this issue we interviewed Ome Almeda, Administrator, Support Services, for Valley Medical Center, Renton, WA. Ome routinely talks with, screens and hires design consultants as VMC continues to expand. How important is cost in selecting the winning firm? When I read a proposal, cost is a non-issue, initially. What is important is the quality

Change is in the Wind; Are You Ready?

We have been keeping an eye on changes in the way the federal government conducts its procurement process. In 1994, Congress passed the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (FASA); the federal government wanted to cut its procurement costs. Among the big changes are 1) structuring RFPs that focus on a vendor’s past performance, rather than the

FOIA: One Way to Get an Edge on the Competition

Doing business with the federal government? If you’re willing to dig, you can find a wealth of “insider” information through the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) process. Simply put, FOIA lets individuals or companies obtain records from Federal agencies. You can use these documents to both assess upcoming opportunities and evaluate potential competitors. Here are

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Update

In another article in these pages, we discuss how you can use the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to help get a leg up on the competition. We have found a number of FOIA-related sites that can help you navigate the FOIA process.If you want a guide to the Freedom of Information Act, check out

Webwatch: Proposal-Related Sites on the Net

In a prior article we tied you into some Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) sites you can visit to help you get an edge on the competition.  Here are some more links that can help you in your proposal development efforts.  If you know of any more, drop us a line and we’ll post ’em. General Procurement

Montana Changes the Rules – It's All Public

There are many lessons to be learned by examining winning proposals. And its getting easier to get copies of winning proposals. In fact, in some jurisdictions winning proposals and the related documentation are available on demand. This change was not made by procurement officials looking to gain popularity with the supplier community. Typically, the easy

How to Make the Most Out of a Short Turn-Around Time

Here’s something we can all agree on: There’s almost always a time-crunch when it comes to writing proposals. Maybe the client doesn’t give us much lead time (two weeks; a week; three days). Or maybe the RFP sits on someone’s desk for too long before a decision is made to go for it. Whatever the

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